Stew Eucen برنامه ها

SDK Vanilla with Thumb One
Stew Eucen
As you know, "number place" is the famouspuzzle in a world. It is known as "Sudoku *1". Therefore, we do notexplain about the rules. If you do not know about it, please searchthe word on web.This app has some board sizes which are 9x9, 8x8, 6x6 and 5x5. TheBlock arrange of 8x8 is our original style. Please seescreenshot.If you want to get more puzzles in this app, please request us.At that time, please write the board size that you want.In this application, we adopted a new input method "Thumb One" fora smart phone. When you are working with a smart phone with onehand, you can enter the answer and pencil marks in just thumb ofone hand.This Application is a part of "Umekichi Project". SDK means"Standard sudoku".Released on 12 January 2014.*1 "Sudoku (SUDOKU)" is a registered trademark of NIKOLI Co., Japan.
Shikisai Match the Colors
Stew Eucen
As you know, "Concentration" is a famouscardgame in the world. The alias is "Memory". This is muchlike"Memory", but the difference is to use Colors.The object of "Match the Colors" is to open pairs ofmatchingpanels in same color.//////////////////////////////* How to Play(1) When you start the game, 16 panels appear on board.(2) Tap a panel, the panel Opens and shows the color.(3) Open two panels, and match the panels same color.(4) Compete the speed at until matching all panels.//////////////////////////////* EventsThere are three events in this application.(1) Gradient Colors Match(2) Rainbow Colors Match(3) Achromatic Colors Match//////////////////////////////* World Leaderboards and AchievementsWhen you sign in Google+, the record time will be registeredinthe world leaderboards automatically in each game.When your best time reaches a certain level, you willgetachievement in each event.
Touch to Infinity
Stew Eucen
As you know, there is a famous game Touchcellsnumbering from 1 to 25. "Touch to Infinity" is for thosewhounsatisfactory up to 25. You can touch Indefinitely numbers.You can train "peripheral vision continued" in this appincontrast the application of up to 25 is for training"peripheralvision instantaneous"./////////////////////////////** Progress of the game(1) When you start the game, the panel with number are linedingrid.(2) Touch in order from "1". When you touch "1", "1" disappearsandthe new number will be displayed.(3) Compete for the large number that touched within thetimelimit./////////////////////////////** EventsThere are two events in this application.(1) Touch in 10 seconds(2) Touch in 1 minute/////////////////////////////** World LeaderboardsWe have established world leaderboards for each event. Anyonewhohave an account with Google+ can join. Let's challeng to overtheinfinity !
Queen Place
Stew Eucen
This is new puzzle of using chess pieces "Queen". How to Play: (1)Put one of the numbers given in empty cells (2) Each number has arole of chess "Queen" (3) If there was no other numbers, no numberattack to same number each other--------------------------------------- In this application, weadopted a new input method "Thumb One" for a smart phone. When youare working with a smart phone with one hand, you can enter theanswer and pencil marks in just thumb of one hand. If you areinterested in "Thumb One", please see this movie. "Queen Place" is the main puzle of"Umekichi Project". Released on January 1st 2014
SDK Kawaii
Stew Eucen
This app is new variant of Sudoku. This variant is called "KawaiiSudoku". Kawaii Sudoku has some small blocks. Please seescreenshots. It seems baby face of Standard Sudoku. It is soKawaii. The board of "SDK Kawii" is sized 6x6, and it has 9 plots(=small blocks) sized 2x2. Digits cannot repeat on each column, row,and plot. In this application, we adopted a new input method "ThumbOne" for a smart phone. When you are working with a smart phonewith one hand, you can enter the answer and pencil marks in justthumb of one hand. If you are interested in "Thumb One", please seethis movie. "SDK Kawaii" is a part of"Umekichi Project". Released on December 1st 2013. *1 "Sudoku(SUDOKU)" is a registered trademark of NIKOLI Co., Ltd. in Japan.
Shikisai Slide the Colors
Stew Eucen
As you know, The 15-puzzle (also known asGemPuzzle, Boss Puzzle, Game of Fifteen, Mystic Square andmanyothers) is a famous puzzle game in the world. "Slide theColors" islike 15-puzzle. The object of the puzzle is to place thecoloredtiles in order by making sliding moves that use the emptyspace.//////////////////////////////* Progress of the game(1) When you start the game, "12 colored tiles" and "3markedtiles" are sorted in the game board.(2) When you touch the tile that is next to the empty cell, thetilemoves to the vacant cell.(3) The object of the game is to line up 12 colored tiles attheouter periphery in order by closest color. It does notmatterclockwise or counter-clockwise.(4) If you want to see completed board, pleasecheckscreenshots.//////////////////////////////* EventsThere are three events in this application.(1) Gradient Colors Slide(2) Rainbow Colors Slide(3) Achromatic Colors Slide//////////////////////////////* World Leaderboards and AchievementsWhen you sign in Google+, the record time will be registered intheworld leaderboards automatically in each game. When your besttimereaches a certain level, you will get achievement ineachevent.Let's try to challenge the world of color sense !
Shikisai Touch the Colors
Stew Eucen
Do you have a keen sense of Color ? "TouchtheColors" is addictive game, The rules is very simple, just touchthecolors as fast as possible in order.//////////////////////////////(1) When you start the game, panel with a color sorted. Itisdisplayed as "1" in one of the panel.(2) Touch in order from closest color of the panellabeled"1".(3) Compete the speed at until touching all cells.//////////////////////////////There are three events in this application.(1) Gradient Colors Touch(2) Rainbow Colors Touch(3) Achromatic Colors Touch++ Gradient Colors TouchWhen aligned with gradient colors, adjacent color meansclosestcolor. The label "1" appears in either of both ends ofthegradient.++ Rainbow Colors TouchIn order of colors of the rainbow, adjacent color meansclosestcolor. Touch in the order of the colors of the rainbow.++ Achromatic Colors TouchThis is a monotone version of "Gradient Colors Touch". It wasmadeindependent, because to get good record time easily than"GradientColors Touch".//////////////////////////////When you sign in Google+, the record time will be registered intheworld leaderboards automatically in each game.When your best time reaches a certain level, you willgetachievement in each event.
Stew Eucen
This is our original puzzle of using a chess pieces. We named it"Yazhime". A puzzle board has 2 patterns as 8x8 and 5x5. Let'senjoy new experience to think ! How to Play: (1) Put one of thechess pieces given in empty cells (2) If there is no other kind ofpieces, no piece attack to same kind of pieces each other (3) When8x8 sized puzzle filled all cells, each piece number are as follow:Queen(8), Rook(8), Bishop(10), King(10), kNight(14), Pawn(14)Supplement: (1) Pawn can not be diagonally adjacent (2) King cannot be neither orthogonally nor diagonally adjacent (3) Bishop cannot repeat on each diagonal line (4) Rook can not repeat on eachrow and column (5) Queen can not repeat on each row, column anddiagonal line (6) kNight is denoted by "N", because "K" is used forKing. ----------------------------- In this application, we adopteda new input method "Thumb One" for a smart phone. When you areworking with a smart phone with one hand, you can enter the answerand pencil marks in just thumb of one hand. If you are interestedin "Thumb One", please see this movie."Yazhime" is the main puzle of "Umekichi Project". Released onDecember 31st 2013.